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·Enhe Landscape, InnerMongolia  ·Country of Hills: Mysterious Nepal  ·Chinese Ancient Architecture Museum: Hebei Zhengding Longxing Temple  ·Amazing marine life: a happy underwater world  ·Hani: one of the oldest nation  ·Populus Ejin  ·Mang people: no family known as tribes located in southern Yunnan  ·Canberra: Australia's federal capital  ·Guiyang Qingyan Ancient Town: one of the most fascinating cultural town in China  ·Climbing five mountains in China, Sunrise view of Mount Taishan  ·Sydney Scenery  ·Egyptian Girl  ·Optimistic and happy minority nationality: Tibetans people  ·Jilin Fog Song  ·Tianshan Mountain Ranch in Xinjiang  
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